

Páginas del blog Archeopolis (E.V.Pita)

viernes, 24 de abril de 2015

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca) / Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Entrance to arena of Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon

Entrada a la arena de las gradas del anfiteatro de Caerleon

Entrada á area do graderío do anfiteatro de Caerleon

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca) 

by E.V.Pita

Famed in the Middle Ages as ‘King Arthur’s Round Table’, the amphitheatre at Caerleon was built to serve the Roman legionary fortress of Isca around AD 90. This is the only fully-excavated amphitheatre in Britain. It could have seated around 6.000 spectators. Caerleon is a little village closer to Newport, in Southern Wales.

Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)

por E.V.Pita

Conocido en la Edad Media como "La mesa Redonda del Rey Arturo", el anfiteatro romano de Caerleon fue construido junto al fuerte romano de Isca en el año 90. Es el único anfiteatro de Britania que ha sido enteramente excavado. Caerleon es un pequeño pueblo situado cerca de Newport, en Gales.

O anfiteatro de Caerleon

Coñecido na Idade Media como "A mesa Redonda do Rei Arturo", o anfiteatro romano de Caerleon foi construido onda o forte romano de Isca no ano 90. É o único anfiteatro de Britania que foi enteramente excavado. Caerleon é unha pequena vila preto de Newport, en Gales.

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Terraces of Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)

Gradas del anfiteatro de Caerleon

Bancadas do anfiteatro de Caerleon

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Corridors of amphitheatre of Caerleon

Pasillos del anfiteatro de Caerleon

Corredores do anfiteatro de Caerleon

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
An information board  Roman Amphitheatre history

Panel informativo sobre la historia del anfiteatro romano

Un posto informativo coa historia do anfiteatro romano

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Terraces / Gradas / Bancadas

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Entrance / Entrada

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
House / Casa

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Entrance to arena of Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon

Entrada a la arena de las gradas del anfiteatro de Caerleon

Entrada á area do graderío do anfiteatro de Caerleon

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Steps to doors

Escaleras hacia las puertas

Chanzos cara as portas

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Rear wall of the stands

La parte trasera del muro de las gradas

A parte traseira do muro das gradas

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Doors of the Roman amphitheater

Puertas del anfiteatro

Portas do anfiteatro

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Gladiators fought in the sand (arena)

Los gladiadores luchaban en la arena

Os gladiadores loitaban na area

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Outbuildings / Dependencias

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
The "arena" / La arena / A area

Wales, Roman Amphitheatre of Caerleon (Isca)    by E.V.Pita /   http://evpitapictures.blogspot.com/2015/04/wales-roman-amphitheatre-of.html   /  Gales, anfiteatro de Caerleon (Isca)   por E.V.Pita
Panoramical view of the "arena"

Vista panorámica de la arena

Vistas da area

Autor: E.V.Pita (2013)

Author: E.V.Pita (2013)

viernes, 17 de abril de 2015

Spain, Towers of Catoira againts Vikings / Torres del Oeste (defensa contra vikingos) / As torres do Oeste en Catoira

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
A replica of a Viking ship is docked at the Ulla River, next to the towers of Catoira

Una réplica de un barco vikingo está atracado en el río Ulla, junto a las torres de Catoira

Unha imitación dun barco viquingo está ancorado no Ulla, onde as torres do Oeste en Catoira

Spain, towers of Catoira and the Ulla River

by E.V.Pita (2015)

The Western Towers (Castellum Honesti) considered by the Historia Compostelana, written by collaborators of the bishop Xelmírez, the “look and key of Galicia” for centuries prevented the norman armies and Saracen pirates from sailing up the Ulla River being the toughest part of a defensive system which succeeded in defeating all kind of invasions sailing up the estuary of Arousa. The pilgrims visited the St James' capel in the Route to Santiago.
Each summer, in August, people celebrated in this Galician Heritage the International Viking Festival

Oeste Towers of Catoira / Torres del Oeste de Catoira / Torres (da illa Oneste) do Oeste de Catoira

 Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla

por E.V.Pita

El Castellum Honesti fue levantado entre el año 850 y el 1100 en la isla de Oneste (un antiguo castro costero) para defender las costas gallegas de ataques piratas vikingos, normandos y sarracenos. Las torres quedaban protegidas cuando subía la marea e inundaba la isla. El lugar tenía una capilla de Santiago visitada por los peregrinos. Las torres del Oeste eran la "llave de Galicia"
Cada verano, en agosto, este monumento gallego es escenario del Festival Vikingo (Romería Vikinga de Catoira)

Torres do Oeste en Catoira e o Ulla

El Castellum Honesti foi construido entre os anos 850 e 1100 na illa de Oneste (un antigo castro costeiro) para defender as costas galegas de ataques piratas viquingos, normandos e sarracenos. As torres quedaban protexidas cando subía a marea e anegaba a illa. O lugar tiña a capela de Santiago visitada polos peregrinos. As torres do Oeste eran a "chave" de Galicia.
Cada vran, en agosto, a xente celebra aquí a sonada Romaría Vikinga de Catoira.

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Towers of Catoira are located at the mouth of the Ulla River

Las torres de Catoira están localizadas en la desembocadura del río Ulla

As torres do Oeste están na boca do Ulla

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Towers of Catoira are located at the mouth of the Ulla River, in a narrow place on the coast 

Las torres de Catoira están localizadas en la desembocadura del río Ulla, en un punto estrecho de la costa

As torres do Oeste están na boca do Ulla, nun estreito

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Nearby, there is a large railway bridge over the Ulla Rivar

Cerca, hay un gran puente de ferrocarril sobre el río Ulla

Preto, hai unha grande ponte de tren sobre o Ulla

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Yellow fields / Coloridos campos

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Islet, beach and village / Islote, playa y aldea / Illote, praia e vila

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Lake / Lago

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Barn in Catoira / Hórreo en Catoira

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Marshes in the Catoira River / Marismas del río Catoira / Marismas do Catoira

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Marshes in the Ulla and Catoira Rivers / Marismas de los ríos Catoira y Ulla / Marismas do Catoira e Ulla

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
The Mill of the Priest is a tidal mill

El Molino del Cura es un molino de marea

O Muíño do Cura é un vello muíño de marea 

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Marshes in the Ulla River and estuary of Arousa

 Marismas del río Ulla y estuario de Arousa

Marismas do Ulla e estuario de Arousa

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Marshes in the Ulla River and estuary of Arousa

 Marismas del río Ulla y estuario de Arousa 

Marismas do Ulla e estuario de Arousa

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Towers of West in Catoira and marshes

Torres del Oeste en Catoira y marismas

Torres do Oeste en Catoira e marismas

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Towers of West in Catoira and marshes

Torres del Oeste en Catoira y marismas

Torres do Oeste en Catoira e marismas

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Marshes and beach / Marismas y playa / Marismas e praia

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Rocks and towers / Rocas y torres / Rochas e torres

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
The remains of a shipwreck are buried in the sand

Los restos de un barco que naugrafó están enterrados en la arena

Os restos dun barco afundido asoman na area

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Sculpture and garden / Escultura y jardín / Escultura e xardín

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Towers of West in Catoira and St. James' capel

 Torres del Oeste en Catoira y la capilla de Santiago

Torres do Oeste en Catoira  e a capela de Santiago
Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Stone fence / Cerca de piedra / Muro de lousas

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
A wooden walkway allows walkers to cross over the marsh

Una pasarela de madera permite a los senderistas cruzar por encima de la marisma

Un paso de madeira permite que os pións pasen sobre a marisma

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Towers of West and St James' capel

Las torres del Oeste (de la isla de Oneste) y la capilla de Santiago

As torres do Oeste (da illa de Oneste) e a capela de Santiago

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Bird observatory / Observatorio ornitológico / Mirador de paxaros

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Towers and bridge / Torres y puente / As torres e a ponte

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Remains of the Big Tower of Lugo

Ruinas de la Gran Torre de Lugo

Ruinas da grande torre de Lugo

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Remains of a Western Tower / Ruinas de una torre del Oeste / Restos dunha das torres

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Chapel of St. James / Capilla de Santiago Apóstol / Capela do Apóstolo Santiago

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Marsh and towers / Marisma y torres / Pantano e torres

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Two towers / Las dos torres / As dúas torres

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Grass and tower / Hierba y torre / Herba e torre

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
The beach at low tide / La playa en marea baja / A praia en marea baixa 

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
The big tower of Lugo / La gran torre de Lugo / A grande torre de Lugo

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Cross on the islot / Crucero en el islote / Cruceiro no illote

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Docks for the Viking's ships of the International Viking Festival

Muelle de los barcos vikingos para la Romería Vikinga

Peirao dos barcos vikingos para a Romaría dos Viquingos

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Ship "Frederikssund" / Barco "Frederikssund"

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Viking ships / Barcos vikingos

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Viking ships / Barcos vikingos

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Viking ships / Barcos vikingos

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Ship and the Western Towers / Barco y torres del Oeste / Barco e torres

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
A monstrous figure is placed in the bow of the boat

Una figura monstruosa está colocada en la proa del barco

Unha figura terrible está posta no arco do barco

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Remains ot the tower and tourist / Ruinas de una torre y turistas / Restos dunha torre e turistas

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Prerromanic capel of St, James

Capilla prerrománica de Santiago

Capela prerrománica de Santiago

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Prerromanic capel of St, James, tower and walls

Capilla prerrománica de Santiago, torre y murallas

Capela prerrománica de Santiago, torre e muros

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Low tide and tower / Marea baja y torre / Marea baixa e torre

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Rocks, tower and chapel / Rocas, torre y capilla / Rochas, torre e capela

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Walls of the Castellum Honesti (nowadays Western)

 Restos de las murallas de la fortaleza de la isla de Oneste (ahora Oeste)

Restos dos muros da fortaleza da illa de Oneste (agora Oeste)

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Side of a tower / Lateral de una torre / Lateral dunha torre

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
 River and marsh / Río y marisma / Río e Marisma 

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Tower (Inside) / Dentro de una torre / Interior dunha torre

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Walls of a fortress / Murallas de la fortaleza / Muros do fortín

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Remains of the Big Tower of Lugo / Ruinas de la gran torre de Lugo / Ruinas da torre de Lugo

Spain, towers of Catoira and river Ulla   by E.V.Pita (2015)  http://picturesplanetbyevpita.blogspot.com/2015/04/spain-towers-of-catoira-and-river-ulla.html   Torres de Catoira - Río Ulla  por E.V.Pita
Marshes / Marismas

Towers from a Ulla Bridge / Las torres desde el puente del Ulla / As torres dende a ponte do Ulla

Author: E.V.Pita (2015)